Tuesday, January 26, 2010


On Monday 25 January 2010 the Coup d’etat government of the Islamic Republic of Iran tried, through its state-owned news agency, Fars News, to compromise Messrs Karroubi, Mousavi and Khatami’s position with regards to the reformist movement in Iran.

It is apparent that Karroubi did not volunteer an interview with Fars News (known as Farce for obvious reasons). Rather, he was attending a meeting with other prominent people within the reformist movement, and was asked questions which were then misinterpreted by this news agency – no surprise there! This was then compounded by western news media, who reported over and over again that he had accepted, indeed legitimised, Ahmadinejad as Iran’s President.

He did not. He was very clear and said that Mr Khamenei (note the Mr – a disrespectful way of addressing the so-called Supreme Leader, SL) and his regime had appointed AN as President. The nuances in this and his other remarks were totally missed by many western reporters – why is this?

Karroubi, Mousavi and Khatami, by their words and by their deeds, have made it clear that they do not recognise AN as Iran’s rightful President. They have also made it plain that the human rights abuses that have taken place in the Country are totally unacceptable to them and they will not compromise on either issue.

Government-led propaganda in Iran is rife. No western journalists are allowed free access. The pro-reformist newspapers and other agencies have been shut down. Journalists and bloggers have been imprisoned – some face execution. Why Western media cannot understand this propaganda machinery is beyond most human rights activists.

The remainder of this note contains information that has been posted on my facebook wall regarding statements made by, or on behalf of, Karroubi, Mousavi and Khatami over the past two days.

I am grateful to my friend, Shiva Nojo, who gave me this piece of excellent advice - let's not expect the worse - that can only help the coup government in their propaganda against the greens!


26/1/10 – A facebook note by Negar Irani: http://www.facebook.com/note.php?note_id=300703101070

مهدی کروبی :هرگز بر سر حقوق ملت معامله نخواهم کرد /Mehdi Karroubi: I will never compromise when it comes to the people’s rights.

Summary - English Translation of remarks by Mehdi Karroubi in a meeting with a group of prominent leaders of the reformist parties. (Please scroll down for original Farsi Text.)

In a meeting with a group of prominent leaders of the reformist parties, Mehdi Karroubi said: “Even though they have shutdown the newspapers, filtered websites, imprisoned many of our dear friends, closed down the office of [reformist] parties including the Etemad Melli office and even my personal office..., even though they fired shots at my car, and some continue to threaten and insult myself, Mir Hossein Mousavi, the great nation of Iran in every possible way... even though they insist on taking our words out of context, I would like to firmly state that I WILL NEVER compromise when it comes to the rights of the great people of Iran. The ability to vote is one of the fundamental rights of our nation and people should be able to cast their votes into ballot boxes, knowing that they can trust the authorities. I will continue to stand with the great people of Iran until the very end and will push for free elections and the removal of all current obstacles under the framework of the constitution. I will present my position with regards to the ideals of the Islamic Revolution, the defence of human rights and the need for free elections to the noble and honorable nation of Iran, in the very near future."

In relation to issues regarding the election, the head of the Etemad Meli Party said: "With the passing of time, I become even more convinced of the extensive manipulations and fraud that took place in the recent elections, as very day we receive new information that demonstrates the regrettable nature in which the authorities handled the trust given to them by the people of Iran."

With regards to the events that occurred after the elections, Karroubi noted: "Ask yourself what were the desires and demands of the people who spontaneously came to the streets in such large numbers after the election? What were the demands of the 3 million people who roared in the streets from Imam Hossein to Azadi square, with their silent march, without any form of advertising or propaganda motivating them to attend? Should the response to a nation who took to the streets with such noble intentions have been batons, tear gas and gun shots? Should our dear youth who dared ask "Where is our Vote?" within the framework of the law, have faced violence and death at Kahrizak and other prisons?"

Karroubi strongly criticized the unacceptable treatment of the people and said : "We should tell those responsible for these atrocities "How do you expect the people of Iran to accept your one sided claims regarding the election when it is so evident that you lie? Did some of you not have the audacity to suggest that these young people had lost their lives to meningitis? Would you have ever admitted to the occurrence of these crimes had it not been for persistent and defiant cries & demands by myself, Mr. Mousavi and the brave nation of Iran?"

Karroubi reiterated his position when it comes to defending the people's rights and said: “Even though they have shutdown the newspapers, filtered websites, imprisoned many of our dear friends, closed down the office of [reformist] parties including the Etemad Melli office and even my personal office..., even though they fired shots at my car, and some continue to threaten and insult myself, Mir Hossein Mousavi, the great nation of Iran in every possible way... even though they insist on taking our words out of context, I would like to firmly state that I WILL NEVER compromise when it comes to the rights of the great people of Iran. The ability to vote is one of the fundamental rights of our nation and people should be able to cast their votes into ballot boxes, knowing that they can trust the authorities. I will continue to stand with the great people of Iran until the very end and will push for free elections and the removal of all current obstacles under the framework of the constitution. I will present my position with regards to the ideals of the Islamic Revolution, the defence of human rights and the need for free elections to the noble and honorable nation of Iran, in the very near future."


مهدی کروبی در دیدار با جمعی از چهرههای برجسته و نخبگان سیاسی کشور از جمله رهبران برخی از احزاب
اصلاحطلب گفت: «گر چه امروز روزنامه ها را توقیف، سایتها را فیلتر و بسیاری از عزیزان را زندانی کرده و دفاتر احزاب از جمله دفتر حزب اعتماد ملی و حتی دفتر شخصی مرا بسته اند، گرچه به اتومبیل بنده تیراندازی کرده اند و برخی هر روز خط و نشان میکشند و انواع اهانتها را نثار بنده و آقای موسوی وملت بزرگوار ایران و سخنان ما را تحریف میکنند، ولی با قاطعیت میگویم که من هرگز بر سر حقوق ملت معامله نخواهم کرد و یکی از بزرگترین حقوق این ملت آرایی است که به امانت در صندوقهای رأی ریخته اند، و من تا پایان راه در کنار ملت خواهم بود و برای برگزاری انتخابات آزاد و رفع موانع موجود خواهم کوشید و به زودی مواضع تفصیلی خود را در باره آرمانهای انقلاب اسلامی و دفاع از حقوق مردم و ضرورت برگزاری انتخابات آزاد به اطلاع ملت شریف و بزرگوار ایران خواهم رساند.»ا

دبیرکل حزب اعتماد ملی در ادامه با اشاره به مسائل مربوط به انتخابات گفت: «هر قدر که زمان میگذرد، اعتقاد من به دستکاری گسترده در انتخابات اخیر مستحکمتر میشود؛ زیرا هر روز اطلاعات جدیدی به دست ما میرسد که واقعا موجب تأسف است که چگونه

عدهای با آرای مردم که امانت آنان در دست مسؤولان است، اینگونه برخورد کردند!»ا

کروبی در ادامه با اشاره به مسائلی که بعد از انتخابات و برخوردهایی که با مردم روی داد، گفت: «مگر این مردمی که بعد از انتخابات بهصورت خودجوش به صحنه آمدند، چه میگفتند و چه میخواستند؟ مگر آن سه میلیون نفری که بدون هیچگونه تبلیغات و اطلاعرسانی از میدان امام حسین(ع) تا میدان آزادی با سکوت خویش فریاد زدند، چه میخواستند؟ آیا جواب مردمی که اینگونه نجیبانه به صحنه آمدند، باتوم، گاز اشکآور و گلوله بود؟! آیا جواب جوانان عزیز ما که در چارچوب نظام میگفتند، “رأی ما کو؟” خشونت، کهریزک و کشته شدن در این بازداشتگاهها بود؟!»ا

کروبی با انتقاد شدید از برخورد غیرصادقانه با مردم گفت: «باید به این کسانی که مسؤول این فجایع هستند، گفت: شما چگونه انتظار دارید که مردم ادعای یکطرفه شما را در باره نتیجه انتخابات بپذیرند، در حالی که شما در باره بدیهیات اینگونه دروغ میگویید؟ مگر برخی از شما با کمال بیشرمی نمیگفتید که این جوانان عزیز بر اثر مننژیت جان خود را از دست دادهاند و اگر فریادهای اینجانب و تلاشهای آقای موسوی و حضور ملت عزیز ایران در صحنه نبود، شما هرگز به وقوع این قتلها اعراف نمیکردید.»ا

کروبی با تأکید بر مواضع خویش در دفاع از حقوق ملت گفت: «گر چه امروز روزنامهها را توقیف، سایتها را فیلتر و بسیاری از عزیزان را زندانی کرده و دفاتر احزاب از جمله دفتر حزب اعتماد ملی و حتی دفتر شخصی مرا بستهاند، گرچه به اتومبیل بنده تیراندازی کردهاند و برخی هر روز خط و نشان میکشند و انواع اهانتها را نثار بنده و آقای موسوی وملت بزرگوار ایران و سخنان ما را تحریف میکنند، ولی با قاطعیت میگویم که من هرگز بر سر حقوق ملت معامله نخواهم کرد و یکی از بزرگترین حقوق این ملت آرایی است که به امانت در صندوقهای رأی ریختهاند، و من تا پایان راه در کنار ملت خواهم بود و برای برگزاری انتخابات در چهارچوب قانون اساسی و رفع موانع موجود خواهم کوشید و به زودی مواضع تفصیلی خود را در باره آرمانهای انقلاب اسلامی و دفاع از حقوق مردم و ضرورت برگزاری انتخابات آزاد به اطلاع ملت شریف و بزرگوار ایران خواهم رساند.»ا

In a facebook note on 25/1/10, Tour Irani set out what Karroubi actually said : http://www.facebook.com/note.php?note_id=300703101070#/note.php?note_id=273126773115&id=100000104346482&ref=mf

What did Karroubi actually say today?

Here is the actual words by Karroubi:

"Ahmadinejad's government will not last 4 years"

Green Path News Agency: Mr. Mojtaba Vahedi, advisor for Mehdi Karroubi explained the words of Mr. Karroubi. Talking to the Jaras reporter he said: "I talked to Mr. Karroubi and he claims that Mr. AbouTorabi has uttered some words that are not true and I went to the podium without being invited and explained that Mr. AbouTorabi has no idea about what's going on and all of what has happened after the election has been to white wash the cheating.

Mojtaba Vahe, Karoubi's advisor explained what Mr. Karroubi has said today:

According to Karroubi's advisor, Mr. Karroubi then talked in detail about cheating in the election. Following the speech a few reporters gathered around and asked a few questions. I told them: "well this government has been sworn in and has the responsibility to respond to people's needs". In the same Interview I stressed that there has been vast cheating in the election and I stand by my words and I am not so whimsy to retreat because of insults and threats. But people have daily needs that the residing government needs to respond to. I also told an English paper that you can rest assured that Ahmadinejad's government will not last 4 years.

Karroubi's last words were: "My words are the words of the nation: where is our vote?"

دولت احمدی نژاد 4 سال نخواهد ماند

جنبش راه سبز (جرس): مجتبی واحدی، مشاور مهدی کروبی درباره سخنان امروز دبیرکل اعتماد ملی توضیحاتی ارائه داد. وی در گفتگو با خبرنگار جرس گفت: من با آقای کروبی صحبت کردم و ایشان گفتند که امروز آقای ابوترابی فرد حرف هایی زدند که با واقعیت منطبق نبود و من بدون دعوت پشت تریبون رفتم و توضیح دادم که آقای ابوترابی فرد در جریان مسائل نیست و همه کارهایی که بعد از انتخابات انجام گرفته ، برای ماست مالی کردن قضیه تقلب در انتخابات بوده است.
جنبش راه سبز (جرس): مجتبی واحدی، مشاور مهدی کروبی درباره سخنان امروز دبیرکل اعتماد ملی توضیحاتی ارائه داد.
وی در گفتگو با خبرنگار جرس گفت: من با آقای کروبی صحبت کردم و ایشان گفتند که امروز آقای ابوترابی فرد حرف هایی زدند که با واقعیت منطبق نبود و من بدون دعوت پشت تریبون رفتم و توضیح دادم که آقای ابوترابی فرد در جریان مسائل نیست و همه کارهایی که بعد از انتخابات انجام گرفته ، برای ماست مالی کردن قضیه تقلب در انتخابات بوده است.
به گفته واحدی، دبیرکل اعتماد ملی ، سپس نمونه هایی از تقلب و دخل و تصرف در انتخابات را بیان کرده و به نقل قولی از آیت الله العظمی منتظری پرداخته که به نقل از یکی از افراد امین خود گفته بود در یک صندوق که رای کروبی 92 بود تنها یک رای اعلام کردند.
براساس گفته واحدی، مهدی کروبی توضیح داده است: پس از اتمام کنگره در حال خروج بودم که تعدادی از خبرنگاران ، سوالاتی از

من پرسیدند و من در پاسخ به انها گفتم که پس از تنفیذ، دولت فعلی دولت مستقر کشور است و وظیفه دارد کارهای مردم را انجام دهد و پاسخگو باشد.
کروبی در توضیح این سخنان خود گفت : در همان مصاحبه بر این نکته تاکید کردم که تقلب های گسترده درانتخابات صورت گرفته و من برهمه مواضع انتخاباتی خود و اعتراضات خود ایستادگی کرده و می کنم و بیدی هم نیستم که با تهدیدها و فحاشی ها و هتاکی ها عقب نشینی کنم اما مردم مسائل روزمره ای دارند که دولت مستقر باید آنها را حل کند و دولت فعلی پس از تنفیذ، دولت مستقر کشور است و باید پاسخگوی مشکلات مردم باشد.
دبیرکل حزب اعتماد ملی، تصریح کرد: همین امروز در مصاحبه با یک روزنامه انگلیسی، گفتم مطمئن باشید دولت احمدی نژاد چهار سال نخواهد ماند.
به گفته مجتبی واحدی، سخن آخر کروبی این بود: حرف من همان حرف ملت است که رای ما کجاست؟


I've seen no statement as yet from Mousavi, but Zahra Rahnavard has given an interview to Rooz. This English translation is courtesy of a facebook note from Negar Irani : http://www.facebook.com/note.php?note_id=300703101070#/note.php?note_id=299927586070&id=1409869442&ref=mf

Negar Irani: English Translation of Interview with Zahra Rahnavard by Roozonline

English Translation of interview with Zahra Rahnavard by Roozonline. Please scroll down for original Farsi text.

Interview with Zahra Rahnavard, university professor, author and Mir Hossein Mousavi's wife.

Roozonline: Mrs. Rahnavard, after Mr. Mousavi's 17th statement was published, some suggested that Mr. Mousavi recognized the legitimacy of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's government. Is this an accurate interpretation?

Zahra Rahnavard: My personal understanding of this statement is that it stresses the fraudulent and unhealthy nature of the election. When the statement stresses such a matter how can anyone have such an interpretation? I believe that from the tone of this statement we can clearly see that Mr. Mousavi does not recognize a government that was established based on fraud.

Roozonline: Recently there have been a lot of rumors about a behind the scene compromise by Mr. Mousavi, Karroubi and Khatami and today some outlets reported that Mr. Karroubi has recognized the legitimacy of Ahmadinejad's government. Some have interpreted Mr. Mousavi's previous statement and Mr. Karroubi's remarks today as behind the scene compromises.

Zahra Rahnavard : This is absolutely not true, no compromise what so ever is in the works. I don't see any compromise in that statement, rather I believe it lays out the minimum desires and aspirations of the people of Iran that the current regime could easily fulfill.

Roozonline: The current government has however, not accepted these demands to date. Do you believe they will eventually acknowledge and accept these demands?

Zahra Rahnavard: I cannot foresee what will happen in the future. I can only hope that what ever happens is in the best interest of the people of Iran and that it honors our nation. I want to emphasize the fact that we neither acknowledge the legitimacy of Ahmadinejad's government, nor are we making any behind the scenes compromises.

RoozOnline: The new wave of arrests that took place after Ashura have lead to a more closed atmosphere and included many who have provided much service to the revolution. Do you believe that these arrests are going to have an effect on the people's movement?

Zahra Rahnavard: These arrests are not only wrong and unacceptable, but they unfortunately continue. Arresting those who speak on behalf of freedom and people's rights has no legal basis. Let's not forget that aspiring towards freedom and desiring the rule of law and religious democracy are the foundation of the people's demands and their "vote" is therefore also integral to this issue. Arresting people, whether they be normal citizens, political activists or journalists, has no legal basis. What good did it do these gentlemen to arrest a figure such as Dr. Beheshti who is a symbol of human rights, one of the intellectuals of this movement and an avid supporter of the universities? I don't just mean Dr. Beheshti, rather I use him as a symbol for all our loved ones who have been arrested because of their humane and compassionate aspirations. Here I want to particularly emphasize the issue concerning women. Arresting Iranian intellectual lionesses will only lead to a great blow to the reputation and respectability of the Islamic Republic. Women who should be active in our society and working in our universities are currently spending their days in prison cells. This is a huge disgrace for the Islamic Republic both vis-à-vis our nation and in the eyes of the world.

Roozonline: Do you think these arrests will have any effect on the people's movement/Green movement?

Zahra Rahnavard: These arrests have no effect what so ever on the desires, demands and movement of the people. Our people are fully aware and have a very high political acumen. Today it is our people who are vanguards of our intellectuals, in many ways our intellectuals are following the people of our nation.

Roozonline: Mrs. Rahnavard, many of those close to you and your husband have been arrested. Your brother was arrested once again and Mr. Mousavi's nephew was also martyred. How have these issues affected your personal and family life?

Zahra Rahnavard: We live and breath with the Green movement. I myself have always been suppressed by these ultra conservative circumstances, but have nevertheless expressed my opinions. Unfortunately their focus has been on myself and other freedom fighting women. The recent insults and marginalization are nothing new and have been going on for years. They are designed to suppress us, but have been taken too far. There was a time when they would not allow me to publish my books and they went as far as making me limit my activities and work to teaching at the university, but the pressures continued. Now it has been intensified. Their goal is for me not to exist, not to breath, not to be. They even try to flare up and marginalize our love life. But everyone knows what type of life we lead and these pressures and threats have no effect on our life, our activities and our aspirations.

Roozonline: I would like to better understand the effects of such sacrifices and the price that your family and those close to you have had to pay. Have they not effected their relationship with Mr. Mousavi?

Zahra Rahnavard: These prices have not been paid for Mr. Mousavi, but for the Green movement. We are not focused on the individual and individualism and our family is no different than the rest of the people making sacrifices and paying a price. My brother is a scientist and specialist and has never been politically active, but like many other people he has also had to pay a price. We have made a shield of our chests and are ready for any kind of attack and terror.

Roozonline: Mrs. Rahnavard you yourself have been attacked three times so far. It has been reported that those who attacked you are members of the "Basiji Sisters". Can you elaborate on this issue?

Zahra Rahnavard: I can't say with all certainty if they were Basijis are not, but I know that they were under orders and from the day before the 16th of Azar and up to the 18th of Azar I experienced very unsafe circumstances. They pursued me on a regular basis and once they even attacked and insulted me. On one occasion the university security forces removed me from the premises by car and a motorcyclist pushed his hand into the car, spraying pepper spray, which made me very sick and lead to my hemorrhaging from the kidneys. Those four days until the 18th of Azar, they either insulted me or attacked me physically and I had no sense of security. They stopped after the 18th of Azar and so far it has been quiet.

Roozonline: Are you not afraid that something might happen to you? Have you thought about such an event?

Zahra Rahnavard: Fighting for freedom and peace has always been an integral part of my life. That is why I am not afraid to die. As I said before, we have made a shield of our chests and I am personally ready for any attack or terror.

مصاحبه با زهرا رهنورد، استاد دانشگاه، نویسنده و همسر میرحسین موسوی را در پی می آید.

خانم رهنورد بعد از انتشار بیانیه هفدهم آقای موسوی، برخی اینگونه برداشت کرده اند که آقای موسوی، دولت محمود احمدی نژاد را به رسمیت شناخته است. چنین برداشتی درست است؟

برداشت شخصی من از بیانیه، این نیست، چون بندهای دیگر همین بیانیه تاکید دارد که تقلبی در کار بوده و انتخابات سالم نبوده است؛ وقتی در بیانیه بر این موضوع تاکید می شود، چگونه چنین برداشتی می شود؟ من فکر میکنم و برداشت من این است که از متن همین بیانیه به وضوح می توان فهمید که آقای موسوی، دولت برآمده از تقلب را به رسمیت نمی شناسد.

ولی اکنون شایعات زیادی درباره سازش پشت پرده آقایان موسوی و کروبی و خاتمی مطرح است و امروز نیز برخی اخبار به نقل از آقای کروبی در مورد به رسمیت شناختن دولت احمدی نژاد منتشر شده است. برخی بیانیه آقای موسوی و سخنان امروز آقای کروبی را به سازش های پشت پرده تعبیر میکنند.

به هیچ وجه چنین چیزی نیست و سازشی در کار نیست. من در آن بیانیه نه تنها هیچ گونه سازشی نمی بینم بلکه آن بیانیه کف خواسته ها و آرمان های مردم است و حداقلی از خواسته های مردم و حکومت می تواند به راحتی این خواسته ها را عملی کند.

ولی حکومت این خواسته را نمی پذیرد یعنی تاکنون نپذیرفته؛ شما فکر میکنید به این خواسته ها تن خواهند داد؟

من نمی توانم آینده را پیش بینی کنم که چه اتفاقی خواهد افتاد و چه خواهد شد، فقط امیدوارم هر اتفاقی که می افتد به نفع ملت ایران باشد و به سربلندی ملت ایران ختم شود.میخواهم بر این نکته تاکید کنم که نه دولت احمدی نژاد را به رسمیت می شناسیم و نه پشت پرده سازش می کنیم.

با بازداشت های گسترده ای که موج دوم آن بعد از روز عاشورا آغاز شد، به نظر میرسد فضا بسته تر از سابق شده و از طرف دیگر شامل کسانی شده که به انقلاب خدمات زیادی کرده اند. به نظرتان این بازداشت ها تاثیری در حرکت مردمی خواهد داشت؟

این بازداشت ها کار بسیار غلط و اشتباهی است که متاسفانه همچنان هم ادامه دارد. بازداشت کسانی که حرفهای آزادیخواهانه میزنند و از حقوق مردم سخن می گویند هیچ محمل قانونی ندارد. باید توجه داشت که آرمان های آزادیخواهانه، دموکراسی طلبی، قانون گرایی و مردمسالاری دینی، پایه های خواسته های مردم است که "رای" نیز در درون همان قرار میگیرد؛ دستگیری ها که چه مردم عادی و چه شخصیت های سیاسی و مطبوعاتی و... را در بر می گیرد، محمل درست و قانونی ندارد. بازداشت شخصی مثل دکتر بهشتی که سمبل همه حق طلبی ها و اندیشمندی های جنبش و یک دلسوز دانشگاهی است چه فایده ای برای آقایان دارد؟ منظورم فقط شخص دکتر بهشتی نیست بلکه او را به عنوان سمبلی از عزیزان دربند می گویم که به خاطر آرمان های بلند و انسانی شان بازداشت شده اند. من همچنین می خواهم مساله زنان را به طور اخص مطرح و تاکید کنم که بازداشت شیرزنان فهیم و آگاه ایرانی، ضربه بزرگی به حیثیت جمهوری اسلامی میزند. زنانی که باید دراجتماع و دانشگاهها مشغول کار باشند اکنون در کنج زندان ها هستند و این موضوع سرافکندگی عظیمی در سطح ایران و جهان برای جمهوری اسلامی به دنبال دارد.

آیا این بازداشت ها و بگیر و ببندها تاثیری در حرکت مردم و جنبش سبز خواهد داشت؟

این دستگیری ها هیچ گونه تاثیری در خواست و حرکت مردم ندارد؛ مردم به شدت آگاه هستند و با شعور بالای سیاسی، مطالبات خود را پی گیری میکنند. اکنون این مردم هستند که پیشروی روشنفکران هستند، حتی روشنفکران ما به دنبال مردم حرکت می کنند.

خانم رهنورد تعداد زیادی از نزدیکان شما و همسرتان بازداشت شده اند؛برادرتان دوبار بازداشت شده و خواهرزاده آقای موسوی نیز به شهادت رسیده اند. این مسائل چه تاثیری در زندگی شخصی و خانوادگی شما داشته است؟

ما با جنبش سبز نفس می کشیم و زندگی می کنیم؛ خود من همیشه از سوی جریان های محافظه کار و واپس گرا سرکوب شده ام اما اندیشه هایم را مطرح کرده ام. متاسفانه فشارهایشان بر زنان آزادیخواه و من متمرکز شده و با اهانت ها و حاشیه سازی هایی که تازگی نیز ندارد و از سالها قبل جریان داشته، سعی در سرکوب ما داشته اند، اما اکنون دیگر حیا را خورده و آبرو را تف کرده اند. زمانی کتاب هایم را اجازه انتشار نمیدادند و کاری کردند که من زندگی کاری و اجتماعی ام را فقط در دانشگاه گذاشتم اما فشارها ادامه داشت. حالا شدید تر شده؛ هدف آنها این است که من وجود نداشته باشم، نفس نکشم و نباشم. حتی زندگی عاشقانه ما را نیز بر نمی تابند و سعی کردند حاشیه ها به وجود آورند اما همگان میدانند ما چه نوع زندگی ای داریم و این فشارها و تهدیدها، هیچ تاثیری در روند زندگی و فعالیت ها و آرمان های ما ندارد.

بیشتر میخواهم بدانم چه فضایی بر خانواده و فامیل و نزدیکان شما که این همه هزینه داده و میدهند حاکم است؟ آیا این هزینه ها تاثیری در رابطه آنها با آقای موسوی داشته است؟

این هزینه ها به خاطر آقای موسوی نیست بلکه به خاطر جنبش سبز است؛ ما فرد گرا نیستیم و فردگرایی نداریم و خانواده و فامیل ما نیز جدا از مردمی که هزینه میدهند نیستند. برادر من یک شخصیت کاملا علمی و متخصص است و هیچ نوع فعالیت سیاسی ندارد اما همچون سایر مردم هزینه میدهد. ما سینه مان را سپر کرده ایم و آماده برای هرگونه تیر و حمله و تروری هستیم.

خانم رهنورد خود شما نیز تاکنون سه بار مورد حمله قرار گرفته اید؛ گفته می شد افرادی که به شما حمله کردند از "خواهران بسیجی" بودند. ممکن است توضیح دهید اصل قضیه چه بود؟

من نمی توانم با اطمینان بگویم که بسیجی بوده اند اما می گویم که ماموریت داشته اندو از یک روز قبل از 16 آذر تا 18 آذر من در ناامنی شدید قرار داشتم. به طور مداوم تعقیب ام میکردند و یک بار سرم ریختند و بارها با حرفهای بسیار زشتی اهانت کردند. یکبار که حراست دانشگاه مرا به ماشین منتقل کرد تا از محل دور شوم، یک موتورسوار دستش را داخل ماشین کرد و گاز فلفل زد که به شدت حالم بد شد و مدتی مریض بودم و خونریزی کلیه داشتم. روزهای دیگر نیز حراست دانشگاه مراقبت میکرد. آن 4 روز تا 18 آذر یا توهین میکردند و یا حمله فیزیکی میکردند و هیچ گونه امنیتی نداشتم اما بعد از 18 آذر دست برداشتند و فعلا که خبری نیست.

شما نمی ترسید از اینکه یکباره حادثه ای برایتان به وجود آورند؟ آیا پیش بینی چنین حوادثی را کرده اید؟

آزادیخواهی و سلحشوری جزو آرمان های من در زندگی بوده و به خاطر همین از مرگ هم هیچ هراسی ندارم. قبلا گفتم سینه مان را سپر کرده ایم و من به شخصه آماده هرگونه تیر و حمله و تروری هستم.


Shiva Nojo on Facebook 26/1/10 : Khatami's letter to Khamenei was not to suggest a deal, but to advise him to stop the current terror. Khamenei has rejected this advice. All else that was said about this letter is the propaganda of the coup side in an attempt to draw divisions in the Green Movement. Please let us be careful and not aid them by always expecting the worse of each other!

Khatami’s letter to Mr Khamenei : http://www.rahesabz.net/story/8781/

تاریخ انتشار: ۰۶ بهمن ۱۳۸۸, ساعت ۲:۵۴ بعد از ظهر |

مخالفت رهبری با نامه سید محمد خاتمی

خاتمی: برای نجات کشور هر چه سریع تر اقدام کنید و مانع ادامه رفتارهای فاجعه بار کنونی شوید

شبکه جنبش راه سبز (جرس): سید محمد خاتمی چندی پیش نامه ای به رهبری نوشته و در آن ضمن تشریح وضع موجود و روند فزاینده قانون شکنی ها و تجاوز به حقوق شهروندی و سلب آزادی های ملت که به نام دفاع از اسلام و انقلاب و ولایت صورت می پذیرد، ازعواقب روند کنونی بشدت اظهار نگرانی کرده و از وی خواسته است برای نجات کشور هر چه سریع تر اقدام کند و مانع ادامه رفتارهای فاجعه بار کنونی شود.

طی روزهای گذشته شایعات زیادی درباره نامه سید محمد خاتمی به آیت الله خامنه ای مطرح شده که خبرنگار جرس به پی گیری ای

به گفته این منبع آگاه، رهبری پس از مطالعه نامه، عدم موافقت خود را با تحلیل ها و توصیه های آقای خاتمی ابراز کرده است.

وی توضیح داد: مطالبی که از سوی برخی محافل خبری وابسته به مراکز امنیتی و اطلاعاتی حاکمیت (و نیز برخی مطبوعات و سایتهای خبری به اتکاء منابع یادشده) در باره این نامه منتشر شده مبنی بر این که آقای خاتمی در این نامه از اصلاح طلبان انتقاد کرده و یا درباره به رسمیت شناختن دولت سخنی گفته است، تماماً عاری از صحت بوده و نوعی عملیات روانی به شمار می آید.

این فرد مطلع در تشریح اهداف شایعه مذکور گفت: هدف جریان حاکم از این عملیات روانی و ترویج اخبار کذبی از این دست، ایجاد اختلاف و تفرقه میان سران اصلاحات و سلب اعتماد جامعه نسبت به رهبران جنبش سبز است. آنان به خوبی می دانند در صورت موفقیت در ایجاد بی اعتمادی میان جامعه و رهبران جنبش، بخش وسیعی از بدنه اجتماعی جنبش دلسرد و منفعل خواهد شد. و بخشی نیز از آن ها عبور کرده و به سمت رفتارهای ماجراجویانه و افراطی پیش خواهند رفت. این هر دو نتیجه خواست قلبی حاکمیت کنونی است. زیرا خیالش از یک بخش راحت شده و امکان سرکوب خشن بخش دیگر را به بهانه افراطی گری خواهد یافت.

Enduring America posted a number of ongoing analyses on this story. This is the most recent from today, 26/1/10, together with readers’ comments : http://enduringamerica.com/2010/01/26/iran-special-analysis-what-karroubis-statement-on-mr-khameneihead-of-government-means/

UPDATED Iran Special Analysis: What Karroubi’s Statement on “Mr Khamenei”/”Head of Government” Means

Posted by Scott Lucas in Middle East & Iran

UPDATE 1555 GMT: Karroubi Clarifies, Repeats, Challenges. From The Flying Carpet Institute, via the Facebook site linked to Mir Hossein Mousavi and Saham News:

Mehdi Karoubi, in a meeting with a group of prominent political figures including some of the leaders of reformist parties said:

“Although today they have shut down newspapers, filtered websites, imprisoned many of our dear friends, closed down the office of [reformist] parties including the Etemade Melli office and even my personal office, although they fired shots at my car, although some are threatening everyday and are insulting Mir Hossein Mousavi, me and the great nation of Iran in every way possible and take our words out of content, but I am firmly announcing that I never compromise over people’s rights and one of the main rights of this nation is their votes that they casted in the ballot boxes while trusting the authorities; and I will be with the people till the very end and will try for holding free elections and eliminating current obstacles.”

“I will announce my detailed views regarding the principles of the Islamic Revolution, defending people’s rights and the necessity for holding free elections to the noble nation of Iran soon.”

UPDATE 0900 GMT: Persian2English has published a translation of the Karroubi “clarification” carried on Rah-e-Sabz last night. This was one of the key pieces of evidence behind our analysis, as the Karroubi camp deliberately “fed” this information to a trusted reporter to ensure the widest dissemination:

“It was reported by Fars News, Iran’s official news agency, that Mehdi Karoubi has officially recognized the status of Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

Mr. Mojtaba Vahedi, advisor for Mehdi Karoubi responded to such claims. Talking to a JARAS reporter, he said: “I talked to Mr. Karoubi and he claims that Mr. Abu-Torabi has uttered some words that are not true.”

According to the advisor, Mr. Karoubi talked in detail about the rigged election. Following his speech, Karoubi explained, “A few reporters gathered around and asked a few questions. I told them that the government has been sworn in and has the responsibility to respond to the people’s needs. In the same interview I stressed that there has been a rigging in the election and I stand by my words. I am not so whimsy to retreat because of insults and threats. But people have daily needs that the residing government needs to respond to. I also told an English paper that they can rest assured that Ahmadinejad’s government will not last four years.”

Karoubi’s last words were: “My words are the words of the nation: where is our vote?”

EA staff had a conference late last night to go over all the information we have — from websites and sources inside Iran — on Mehdi Karroubi’s statement, reflecting on the Presidential election and his acceptance of Mr Ahmadinejad as the “head of the government of the regime” because it had been decreed by “Mr Khamenei”.

We are watching for further developments today and may revise our analysis, however, for now, here is our reading:


We are treating the statement put out on Karroubi’s website, Saham News, as the cleric’s primary line. (We note the interviews given by Hossein Karroubi to a series of reporters, including Radio Farda, BBC Persian, and Associated Press, but there are ambiguities and some confusion in how those interviews are being written up.) This is the key line:

Due to the fact that Mr Khamenei has ‘confirmed/given legal validity to the decree which stated that Ahmadinejad has been elected, for this reason, I consider him [Mr Ahmadinejad] to be the ‘head of the government of this regime’.

Ahmadinejad is not the President and holds his position not by the will of the voters but the pronouncement of Ayatollah Khamenei. He thus does not have legitimacy. (The most important follow-up to the Saham News statement is a story fed to Rah-e-Sabz, in which Karroubi repeated that he stood with the people and said he did not expect Ahmadinejad to last four years.)

And it’s not the Supreme Leader but “Mr Khamenei”. That is not a slip, because the statement has been unchanged on Saham News for hours. And that is not respect but an insult.


This is still not clear, given the chain of events. The confusing series of events started when Karroubi spoke with a group of reporters Monday morning. What he did not anticipate was that Fars News, having asked the question whether Karroubi accepted that the June Presidential election was legal, printed his answer as a recognition of Ahmadinejad as “the President”. So, in one sense, Hossein Karroubi’s series of interviews throughout the day and even the Saham News statement were “damage control”, protecting his father against charges that he had sold out to the regime.

“Damage control”, however, did not require that Karroubi take his political shots at Mr Khamenei and “the head of the government of the regime”. So whether or not the cleric started the morning with a plan for a fight or whether he was bumped into it by the Fars episode, the outcome is the same.


My first attempt at analysis connected the Karroubi manoeuvre with the initiative by Ali Larijani-Mohsen Rezaei-Mohammad Baqer Qalibaf to curb or even topple Ahmadinejad. Just forget I wrote that — I was wrong.


The interesting sub-plot today has been obvious “clear blue water” between Mehdi Karroubi and Mohammad Khatami. As Saham News was putting out the right line on Karroubi v. Khamenei/Ahmadinejad this afternoon, it was also taking shots at former President Khatami. In particular, Saham News was playing up the story — which has not been confirmed — that Khatami had sent a letter to the Supreme Leader seeking reconcilation. What’s more, Saham was pressing the point that Khatami had “recognised” the current Government, thus distinguishing his position from that of Karroubi.

Why the divergence? Well, that’s a story to be considered over following days. But let’s be clear: Mehdi Karroubi is out front on this political challenge.


But is Karroubi also far ahead of Mir Hossein Mousavi? So far Mousavi has been silent on the day’s events, apart from his website Kalemeh reprinting the Saham News statement.


As we broke up the meeting tonight, an EA correspondent said, “You know, Karroubi may well have another statement out when we wake up in the morning.” Indeed, he could, even to the point of issuing another clarification that withdraws/modifies his “Mr Khamenei” position.

But, at the least, we can’t see Karroubi withdrawing his now sustained condemnation — sometimes explicit, sometimes in a bit of coding, as today — of President Ahmadinejad. At most, he separates Mr Khamenei from his criticism.

So pull back all those headlines that came out earlier today (and are still in some “Western” publications). This is not recognition of the President. This is, to adopt a US term, “dis-respecting”.

It’s not a question of if, but how far, Karroubi wants to push it.

16 Responses to “UPDATED Iran Special Analysis: What Karroubi’s Statement on “Mr Khamenei”/”Head of Government” Means”

  1. kim says:

25 January 2010 at 23:34

A comment on the issue of Ayatollah vs. Mr used to refer to Khamenei.

In Iran, Mr. Khamenei is commonly used to refer to the Supreme Leader and is not offensive in nature. Generally, he is called Mr. Khamenei, not always Ayatollah.

  1. Mr. Azadi says:

26 January 2010 at 00:01

unlike what Kim is saying, I can assure you that in the Islamic Republic internal politics, The supreme leader is never called “Ayatollah Khamenei” let alone “Mr. Khamenei”, specially when it comes to formal conversations.
The supreme leader is always referred as “The Supreme leader” (in Farsi: Maghame Mo’azzam Rahbari), calling him “Ayatollah” or “Mr.” not only is not polite, but it is kind of insulting and it might mean that you do not consider him as the “leader” if you do not call him “Supreme Leader”.
Exactly like Imam Khomeini (the founder of the revolution), he never used to be called Mr. Khomeini.

  1. Megan says:

26 January 2010 at 01:59

Mr. Azadi,

I believe (and I may be wrong) Kim was referring to the Farsi word “Agha” which means “Mr.” in English.

  1. jimbo says:

26 January 2010 at 03:26

mr azadi is very right. publicly khamenie is never refered to other than ’supreme leader’ .
kim is very wrong.
megan comment is quite ambigiuos and confusing but wrong as well.

but anyway how karubi reffered to khamenie is kinda irrelevent. his expressed opinion is more important.

  1. Megan says:

26 January 2010 at 04:04


What is ambigious abot what I said?

  1. jimbo says:

26 January 2010 at 04:21

‘agha’ and ‘mr’ . i just dont get it. i think the topic here was that karubi reffered to khamenie as mr (which of course is agha in farsi). so i dont know am i missing something here. of course karubi speaking farsi says aghaye khamenei, but usually nobody referes to that pig as ‘agha’ but ‘rahbar’

  1. Bosco says:

26 January 2010 at 05:14

He should have just referred to him as haji agha.

  1. Rev. Magdalen says:

26 January 2010 at 05:22

Me personally I always just call him Ole Shifty-eyes. Always looks like he’s looking over his shoulders…probably to see if the snakes are showing!

  1. Megan says:

26 January 2010 at 06:55


The fact that you “ just do not get it” is an understatement. I was on topic. I was trying to offer a possible explanation for what Kim might have meant. I stated a fact that Mr. is one translation for Agha. Others are gentlemen and Sir. Please watch you words before you characterize other people comments. There was nothing “ambiguous” about Agha=Mr.

And please do not say; “but usually nobody refers to that pig as ‘agha’ but ‘rahbar’ . Because you are very wrong. All thugs call him Agha. Read this news clip in which M. Khatami calls him Agha. http://sahamnews.org/?p=551

If you ask me he is a pathetic Common Criminal and SL stands for Supreme Loony. And I spell his last name as Khannei.

  1. Josh and Joanne says:

26 January 2010 at 10:07

(not in the mood for politics right now but…)

That picture prompted the Obi-wan Karroubi name.


  1. Peace Maker says:

26 January 2010 at 12:16


I think You and Mr. Azadi are quite right .
Referring to someone as “Agha” , alone ( no name attached) ,
is equivalent to calling him “master” or “head of the family ” .
But when one says agha-”ye” Kamenei (adding a name )
It is like saying Mr. Tom ,Dick or Harry ,….. and so it is in this “ordinary” way that
(as J/J puts ) Obi-wan Karoubi has regarded Khamenei in his declaration.

  1. Karrubi reloaded « FREE IRAN NOW! says:

26 January 2010 at 12:25

[...] vielleicht gar nicht. Und bedeutet gar das Gegenteil. Eine interessante differenzierte Deutung bei enduring america. Veröffentlicht in Hintergrund. Schlagwörter: Iran, Karrubi, Propaganda. Kommentar [...]

  1. Rev. Magdalen says:

26 January 2010 at 15:34

Peace Maker, I think I get it, like we have the English phrase “The Man”. If you were to say The Man when you were talking about Obama without using his name, it would be a compliment, but if you said “the man Obama” it would be a way to point out that he’s just another man.

  1. Rev. Magdalen says:

26 January 2010 at 15:36

Well actually “The Man” isn’t always a compliment, I forgot it can also be a euphemism for The Establishment or those in power trying to maintain the status quo.

  1. Greeny says:

26 January 2010 at 16:42

It is looking like Karoubi made a mistake in speaking to the Fars News reporter yesterday. It seems not to have been an interview (unline what Fars says) but Karoubi was asked a question in passing on the fringes of the Mardonsalari Party congress. He seems to have answered a question the reporter had asked him whether he (paraphrasing) “accepted the legitimacy of the popularly elected president” (this is basically how reporters in IRI interview people; they make a statement which is pro-SL and ask the “interviewee” to confirm it. There could be severe consequences if you don’t confirm the statement).

Karoubi and the people around him seem to be trying to clear up the mess now.

The Jaras report about Ali Larijani’s son being arrested on Ashura and details about Khatami’s letter to SL may be part of this cleaning up process, where they throw a couple of punches at SL & co to remind that they can hit back.

PS. I am thinking the “Mr. Khamanei” thing was either a slip of the tongue or a deliberate reporting “error” by Saham News (again as part of the hitting back process). In interviews with BBC, Radio Farda, etc Karoubi Jr did not repeat the “Kr Khamenei” thing, referring to SL as “rahbari” (leader) or “magham-e rahbari”

  1. Hossein says:

26 January 2010 at 18:13

The remark about snakes on his shoulders is the best.

Monday, January 25, 2010


I am anonymous, because that's safer for me.

It's been a while since I've been able to post but I wanted to share with you all news of rumours about a run on one of Iran's largest banks Bank Melli Iran - known here as Bank-e Melli.

Today (26 January 2010) I have an update and more information for you - the banking crisis extends to at least two major banks - Melli and Mellat.

Update and more information - Tuesday 26 January 2010

  • The government has told the banks that it has no money to inject into banks!
  • Riots at the Banks in Iran
  • Mousavi, Mousavi chants at the Bazaar

Two banks (Melli and Mellat) are planning to withhold funds from people in order to pay back their loans to bigger investors before March. The excuse they are using is that in order to do their end of the Iranian year calculations, they need to close people's accounts for a while!

The City of Tehran

This is an excerpt of the news from Tehran a few days ago before the news was spread by word of mouth and the subsequent rush by the people to the above mentioned banks in order withdraw their funds.

Yesterday around Rug Bazaar of Tehran, a big crowd had gathered and the number of people who were demanding to withdraw their money was increasing by the minute.

At 11:30 am the accounts booth announced that it was out of cash and that it was only able to issue inter-bank notes but the majority of people objected. The head of the branch then announced to the people that it's only a rumor that the bank is going bankrupt and that there was no need to empty their accounts but he was faced with customers who were demanding their money. The verbal attacks got louder and finally the security stepped in which made the situation worse.

A few minutes later the special guard units entered the branch and beat people up in the worst possible way using batons and closed the door on people. The beaten-up customers then started chanting "Mousavi, Mousavi" outside the bank.

A few of the surrounding shops upon hearing the chants closed down their stores and the Rug Bazaar turned into a security zone and anti-riot police situated itself around the bank.

Since Saturday news has leaked out about secret meeting of the government regarding the banks going bankrupt. In these meetings Ahmadinejad, the head of Central Bank and also a few heads of government banks handed a secret report about the bank crisis to Ahmadinejad and the two aforementioned banks (Melli and Mellat) announced their bankruptcy and asked the government for urgent help.

The news about this meeting quickly spread within the upper echelon of Tehran's Bazaar and, following this news, owners of the larger commercial firms decided to withdraw their cash from these two banks. This coincided with the decision by the banks to not allow withdrawals over $15,000 and the big investors started using the back door technique of using bounced checks to get around this rule. (Bounced checks need to be paid by law!)

Since last Friday people have been text messaging each other about the bankruptcy of the two banks of Melli and Mellat.

In the city of Isfahan

The Melli bank branches in Isfahan was also faced with a rush of people demanding to withdraw their money. At Chahar-Bagha and 33-Pol branches there were long lines and the presence of security forces inside the bank branches of Melli Bank shows how much the regime is afraid of riots at the banks. At 12 pm Chahar-Bagh branch ran into cash problems and people who were standing in line for hours were sent home and the bank doors were shut. This triggered off people chanting outside the banks.

Marand, Iran

People in Marand were confronted with bank officials saying:

"We have no money to pay"
"We need to wait until a customer deposits cash"
"Come back at 2 pm"
People stood in lines until 2 pm only to realize there was $500,000 set aside for a particular person! The protests began and people began to clash with the bank's security personnel and it turned physical. During the melee some people began helping themselves to cash and the bank alarms went off.

The Government's Version - Or, the propaganda!

Not surprisingly, another version of the above news has been printed by official news agencies:

Sadeghieh, Tehran

People clash with police at a Melli bank branch which causes injuries to one of the bank customers and the closing down of the bank. People had gone to the bank from early morning hours to withdraw their money only face empty vaults. People began shouting and demanding their money and were trying to cash their checks but the officials of the said branch were unable to respond even from early morning hours due to lack of funds.

The bank employees blame bigger customers who had withdrawn hundreds of thousands of dollars in cash from the bank last Saturday. Other branches faced the same problem and in most branches the bank officials had asked customers to either use inter-bank notes or to wait until funds arrive from the central branch. But after half hour, instead of funds arriving, the security forces arrived and clashed with people inside the branches.

The anti-riot police ordered people to leave the banks which was met with resistance by people. In Sadeghieh branch one of the bank officials threw his pencil holder at a customer who happened to be a middle aged woman. Out of fear of retribution by angry crowd, he then started cursing at the regime officials in a loud voice. The middle aged woman was then taken to a hospital by people for head injuries. The bank official had a name tag: "Ebrahim Ghorani".

They were finally able to kick people out of the banks and close the doors. The extent of lack of funds was such that the head of a branch had ordered bank employees to empty the cash counting machines!


Original post - Monday 25 January 2010

People say that this bank is going to close down its branches on Wednesday 27 January 2010.

A friend told me this morning that people are rushing to BMI branches to withdraw their money.

This may be "just a rumour", but people are taking it seriously!

Today in Tehran I saw people with BMI cards in hand at every ATM I passed. They are asking:

What if BMI hasn't got my money next week?

Saturday, January 23, 2010


Chuck Hamilton is an American with a big heart. He has written a heart-warming story about how he became so involved in the cause of the Iranian people fighting for their rights to freedom and democracy.

I'm reproducing it here. Thank you Chuck on behalf of all the Iranian people. The support of the World means a LOT to the people of Iran.

WHY I DO IT: Why I am so involved with Iran issues and the Iranian people

I have been asked many times why I am so interested in Iran, why I care so much about the Iranian people, why do I put so much time into supporting the green movement. Even one of my longest-time Iranian friends whom I’ve know for over three years asked me that recently.

With everything that’s been going on the past several months and is still going on now, I never really answer the why because I have so many complex emotions about it that I am not sure if I know the full answer myself yet. I can, and do, however, answer with the how.

At the time of the Iranian 1357 (1979) Revolution, I had been aware of events on and off for the past couple of years since I have always been an avid consumer of news. I watched the events of the revolution and its aftermath unfold, then like all Americans found myself riveted to the Hostage Crisis.

During this time, I got my first job, at a steakhouse. I was the dishwasher in the restaurant’s scullery, and was partnered with an Iranian college student who was the steak cook; every shift I worked he worked also. Even though most Americans were happily, or angrily, singing “Bomb bomb bomb, Bomb bomb Iran” to the tune of “Barbara Ann”, I went out of my way to reach out to Mehdi (the only person I will name here).

Upon learning he was unable to return home due to the hostage crisis, I got him to teach me a few words of Farsi so that maybe hearing them would make him a little less homesick. Since we were working most of the time, the conversations were limited to just a few words but I always liked to see his face light up.

Of course, there were also the few occasions when he called me up drunk and depressed, speaking rapidly in Farsi. It was somewhat amusing but mostly heartbeaking.

I’d started in March of my junior year in high school which was also his second year at the community college. After he graduated in June, he moved away to continue his education and I never saw him again. Seven months later, the hostages were released, and I hope he got to go home at least for a visit to see his family.

In the years that followed, hearing news about the Iranian Cultural Revolution, the harsh repression of dissent, the crushing of the Left, the imposition of sharia, the Iran-Iraq War, the Iran-Contra Affair, and the student movement of 1999, I often worried about my friend Mehdi and hoped that he had managed to remain in the States.

I kept up casually with news from Iran in those and later years, the mass murder of the Tudeh, the Mojahedin Khalq, and other leftists, the displacement of Ayatollah Montazeri, the rise of Ayatollah Rafsanjani, and other events. But Iran did not really come back into focus for me until the events of 9/11.

I had been in the Philippines during the Baguio earthquake of 1990 and in the aftermath of that disaster, which collapsed numerous large buildings in the region, they found people buried in the rubble up to two weeks later. With that memory, I held out hope (futilely as it turned out) for the same at the site of the World Trade Center. Because of this I was glued to the TV 20-22 hours a day.

One report that stood out vividly in my mind dealt with reaction around the world and the outpouring of sympathy. The part that really caught my attention was about one million people holding a vigil in Tehran in support of the victims and their families (a number I’ve since learned was greatly exaggerated). I felt pride in the citizens of my friend Mehdi’s homeland.

Then came Bush’s State of the Union address in January, and I was shocked and appalled to hear Iran named as one the the three members of the “axis of evil”. That was the beginning of the belligerent propaganda coming out the neocon White House that helped put the final nails in the coffin of President Khatami’s reform program and bring to office Mahmoud Ahmadi Nejad with the illegal assistance of the Sepah (Revolutionary Guard) and Basij in his first stolen election. This was a tragedy for the Iranian people.

In 2006, I joined my first social network, the now defunct Yahoo360. After not doing much with it at all, I logged on one day to find a comment left by a female college student in Iran. With an exchange of comments and mails on the Yahoo360 system, I’d made my first Iranian friend in over 25 years.

Through her, more followed. The total number of my friends on Yahoo360 was never high, not more than twenty-five, but of those all were Iranian except two, and one of those was from Uruguay. With my new friends I discussed history, Iranian poetry, even facts about Shia Islam, but never politics. We even looked at each other’s poetry and other writings. Although I was in my forties, they were all college-aged, (with one exception, a precocious high school student), but since I was in the process of working out a way for me to go back to college myself, in that sense we were peers.

All were reluctant to discuss their daily lives. I could sense, however, their frustration, their isolation, their loneliness. The words in the first stanza of Springsteen's "Born in the U.S.A."--You end up like a dog that's been beat too much 'til you spend half your life just covering up--describe the impression I felt exactly.

There were two expections to not talking about politics. One was, and still is on Facebook, a dear friend who had been out of university a few years and many times discussed his frustrations and cynicism with life in the Islamic Republic. The other is one of my dearest friends ever, to whom I was drawn first by her Che Guevara wallpaper on her profile and second by a series of pictures she had on her blog there depiciting the emotional pain of American soldiers in Iraq, showing them as victims of the war too.

Even with these two good friends, I didn’t talk, I just listened. My sole statement about politics was my blast (what would in Facebook be a status message): “People should not be afraid of their governments; governments should be afraid of their people”, then at the bottom of the page, a quote (from myself): “I am a Terran, a citizen of Earth. The whole world is my home, and all its people my brothers, sisters, cousins.” I kept those in their place nearly the entire time I was on Yahoo360, until the spring of 2009 when someone translated them into Farsi for me.

That was when my college graduate friend began expressing hope, being involved with Mir Hossein Mousavi’s campaign for president. I heard from him only occasionally, and from my Che-loving friend (now 18) not much at all because of her intense involvement in the campaign. From both of them I felt a sense of hope for change, a hope which my other Iranian friends, now no longer silent about politics, society, and culture, expressed.

With them I eagerly anticipated the election. Watching the election be stolen on 12 June, I felt depressed and robbed. When media commentators, unaware of the deep levels of discontent across all levels of society in Iran, expressed surprise at the number of demonstrators pouring out into the streets across Iran that evening, my first reaction to them was to shrug my shoulders as if to say, “What did you expect?”.

Then came the harsh crackdowns on the night of 13 June. Now it was no longer shrugging my shoulders, it was “Hey! Those are my friends! Oh my God…”.

For the next couple of weeks, my TV stayed tuned to CNN as I sat at the computer sending out messages of support on Yahoo360 to a growing number of connections and frantically searching out all across the internet for news and information. Before June, I had heard of Twitter but had no idea what is was. To me, Youtube was a vehicle for distributing stupid human tricks and music videos. Facebook was something I had joined to humor a college friend. Not any more.

In addition to my activities on Yahoo360, I emailed all the information I could to every Iranian contact in my address book. Two sources I found particularly reliable were, and still are, Tehran Bureau and the Green Briefs of Josh Shahryar’s “Why We Protest” (now on the Daily Nite Owl). Upon learning that Yahoo360 would go ahead with its planned closure, I repeatedly warned and gave notice to all my friends on the network and told them to spread the word so that everyone could stay in contact with the outside world.

The rest of the summer, I followed events all day long on a variety of sources. Once Yahoo360 shut down, I began posting to Facebook. By that time, I was connected through 360 to nearly 75 Iranian friends, most of whom, thankfully, are on Facebook. Toward the end of my time on 360, I made friends with an upcoming university student who kept me company most of the time I was on the net nearly every day through a chat utility for the rest of the summer, becoming (and has remained) a very dear friend.

Regarding the nuclear issue, as much anti-nuke as I am, I couldn’t care less about it in the situation with Iran. For both Ahmadi Nejad and the rest of the leaders in the world, it is a chimera, a façade, a St. Elmo’s Fire, shiny car keys jingled to distract the masses. I don't care about Iran for the U.S., or for the world; I care about Iran for Iran.

Iranians need to know that they are not alone, that the world is paying attention. They need information about what is going on in their own country because they can’t get true information in their totalitarian regime. They need to know that the rest of us humans support them.

Why do I do it? Because people should not be afraid of their governments; governments should be afraid of their people. I do it because I am a Terran, a citizen of Earth; Iran is part of my home, and all Iranians are my brothers, sisters, and cousins.

Esteghlal! Azadi! Jomhooreye Irani! Azadi va Barabari va Edalat baraye hamae Iran: Rooze ma khahad amad! V V V

(P.S.: Some of the best sources for news about Iran are here on Facebook - Iran Election News, Freedom Messenger, Iran Citizen Journalism, Persian2English, Revolutionary Road, and Enduring America.)

FEEL FREE TO SHARE. If anyone is willing to translate this into Persian/Farsi, please let me know.

Monday, January 4, 2010


I am anonymous, because that's safer for me.

I originally wrote this in Farsi and, with apologies for the delay, have only just translated it into English. It was originally written on 29 December 2009, after a friend sent information to me.


Perhaps you wondered why some smaller cities were holding their "pro-government" rally today Tuesday (Dec., 29, 2009), at 15:00? One day before Tehran’s rally?

This morning I traveled to Isfahan for a business meeting, and returned to Tehran at 17:00. When I was at Shahin-shahr crossroad (30 KM (18.6 Miles) from the Isfahan-Tehran Expressway) I saw a large number of buses.

The high quantity of buses made me very suspicious. And when I looked closely at the number plates, the appearance of the people on the buses and the flags they were showing, I realized that buses were belonged to Islamic Revolutionary Guards.

The buses were taking Isfahan’s pro-Govt protesters to Tehran.

When I got Kashan, there were ten buses - all with the Kerman number plate, or Kerman’s governmental emblem, all looking exactly the same!

It was obvious to me that all these buses - in Isfahan and Kerman - were put on by the IRG and Government to take the people who had protested on 29 December to the capital city of Tehran to rally again tomorrow, December 30th 2009!

Another give-away was that ALL the people on the buses were men, no women to be seen, so be sure that pro-governmental rally of Tehran on Wednesday (30 December) will attended by very the low population of Basij-women of Tehran, and all Basij-Men of Tehran, Isfahan, Kerman, Lorestan, Gorgan and Azerbaijan in Tehran!

The lower number of women at their rally on tomorrow (Wednesday Dec., 30, 2009) will prove my idea that they are doing this to in order to gather more than 8,000 people which will be a huge disgrace for the coup d'etat Government currently occupying MY country - like what happened at the pro-governmental rally when pictures of Ayatollah Khomeini were ripped up!


Original Farsi text :

چرا بعضی شهرستانها یک روز زودتر از تهران تظاهرات دولتی داشتند؟

با تشکر از دوستی که این خبر را برایم فرستاد

گزارش دريافتی : شاید شما هم تعجب کردید که چرا بعضی شهرستانها امروز،۳شنبه تظاهرات دولتی داشتند
یعنی یک روز زودتر از تهران .

امروز صبح برای کاری، ۱روز به اصفهان رفتم و ۵ عصر به تهران برگشتم، از دوراهی شاهین شهر در ۳۰ کیلومتری جاده اصفهانتهران به تعداد زیادی اتوبوس برخوردم. زیادی اتوبوسها منو به شک واداشت تا اینکه با دقت در پلاک، وضعيت آدمهای توش و پرچمهای داخل نکاه کردم، دیدم اتوبوسهای سپاه دولتی همون تظاهر کنندگان اصفهان را به تهران میبرند، وقتی به کاشان رسیدم ۱۰ها اتوبوس با نمرهٔ کرمان یا ارمهای دولتی استان کرمان باز با همون افراد معلوم حال در صف بودند.
تعداد اتوبوسهای سپاهی و دولتی استانهای اصفهان و کرمان بقدری در جاده چشمگیر بود که فقط و فقط حکایت از آوردن اونها از مراسم امروز اصفهان و کرمان به تهران برای تظاهرات فرمایشی ۴شنبه حکایت داره.
نکتهٔ دیگه اینکه همشون مرد بودند و هیچ اتوبوسی زن توش نبود،پس مطمئن باشید تظاهرات فردا با تعداد بسیار کمی از زنان بسیجی تهران و بسیجیان مرد اصفهان کرمان لرستان گرگان و آذربایجان در تهران!!!برگزار خواهد شد!
کمبودن زنان نسبت به مردان در تظاهرات ۴شنبهٔ دولت حرف منو به شما ثابت خواهد کرد اینکارو کردن تا مثل پاره کردن عکس خمینی با۸۰۰۰نفر آبروشون نرود